Dissolution Filing Instructions |
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Carefully review all entries made to your online filing. This is an official document and requested edit(s) or change (s) to the filing will required subsequent submission of change documents and incur additional fees.
- Select the "File Affidavit to Dissolve" button.
- Verify the Entity Name before proceeding to ensure this is the correct entity that is to be dissolved.
- If you dissolve the wrong entity in error a court order will be required to reinstate the entity. Please proceed with caution.
- Form must be signed by all the shareholders and if no share were issued all of the incorporators. check the appropriate box as to who is authorizing the dissolution.
- Insert the following: First and last name of incorporator/shareholder; email address of incorporator/shareholder; street address, city, state and zip code of each incorporator/shareholder.
- You must click on "Add additional Incorporator/Shareholder" to add more than one person.
- For each incorporator/shareholder listed, our system will generate an email to them requiring their authorization of the dissolution prior to finalization of the affidavit to dissolve filing filed. If one incorporator/shareholder prohibits the dissolution the affidavit to dissolve will not be processed.
- Type your name in the electronic signature box. (By typing your name, you are certifying that the information contained in the affidavit to dissolve, as reviewed by you, is accurate and your are ready to submit your filing without any changes to the form).
- Select the "File Affidavit to Dissolve" Button.
- Carefully review the filing preview of the document for accuracy and any possible errors. Reminder: If you dissolve the wrong entity in error a court order will be required to reinstate the entity.
- If correct, click on "File/Checkout" button to move to the payment page.
- Enter requested credit card information and your email address. Click purchase items.
- At this time, check out is complete and the affidavit to dissolve has been filed.
- you will see a "Display Receipt" button. If you would like a copy of the receipt for your records, click on the "Display Receipt" button and then click on the "Print" button.
- After you have printed your receipt, click on the "Close" button to close out the page.
- You will receive an email for you to retrieve your documents.
Subscribing to our new Electronic Notification System will allow you to track any changes made to your entity via email or text message. The subscriber may also receive messages containing important information from the Secretary of State.