
Pierre Auguste Bourguignon Derbigny 1828-1829

Born: June 30, 1769 in Laon, near Lille, France
Political Affiliation: National Republican and Whig
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
Education: Saint Genevieve, studied law
Career Prior to Term: Secretary of the Senate; Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court; Secretary of State 1820-1828
How He Became Governor: Elected in 1828.
Career after Term: Died in office.
Died: October 6, 1829 after being thrown from a carriage in Gretna, Louisiana

Pierre Derbigny had graciously bowed out of the governor's race in 1820 when he won the vote of the legislature but lost the popular vote to Thomas Robertson. Derbigny was victorious in 1828. After a career in law and education, he had been a state supreme court justice and led the movement to establish the College of Orleans which was the first institution of higher learning in Louisiana.

During his short term, the legislature worked on internal improvements and consolidated several companies to improve navigation of the bayous. Regulations were also established for levee repair and inspection.

Derbigny died in a carriage accident on October 6. 1829. He is buried in St. Louis Cemetery Number One in New Orleans.
