
Qualify for an Election

Candidates for Presidential Elector for President and Vice President

Recognized political parties in Louisiana may nominate a slate of candidates for presidential elector for the office of president and vice president. View the qualifying information for the five recognized parties in Louisiana (Democrat, Green, Independent, Libertarian and Republican) for all filing requirements and documents to be filed with the Secretary of State's Office.

Unrecognized political parties and candidates who have no party affiliation may nominate a slate of candidates for presidential elector for the office of president and vice president. View the qualifying information for candidates that are not affiliated with a recognized political party for all qualifying requirements and documents to be filed with the Secretary of State's Office.

Browse excerpts from Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 18 (the Election Code) on presidential elections held in Louisiana for additional information. 

Louisiana does not allow write-in candidates.

Candidates for Closed Party Primaries

Beginning in 2026, closed party primaries will be held in the Spring of each election year for U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Supreme Court Justice, Public Service Commissioner (PSC), and Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Member (BESE).

Only political parties recognized pursuant to R.S. 18:441(C) may have party primary elections for party primary offices. The Democratic and Republican parties are the only two parties that currently meet this criteria.

Any candidate who is not affiliated with the Democratic or Republican parties who chooses to run in the general election must qualify via nominating petition at the same time that candidates qualify for the closed party primary election.

The number of signatures required on such a nominating petition is set by R.S. 18:465. A candidate who is not affiliated with the Democratic or Republican parties may be nominated only by persons who are qualified to vote on the office he seeks, and who are not affiliated with the Democratic or Republican parties.

Congressional, State and Local Candidates

In order to become a candidate in an election, you must qualify for the office you are seeking. Louisiana does not allow write-in candidates. The qualifying period for congressional, state and local candidates is a three-day period set by law.

Local candidates qualify at the parish Clerk of Court's Office. Congressional and state candidates qualify at the Secretary of State's Office at 3851 Essen Ln., Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Candidates may qualify for office by paying a qualifying fee or by filing a nominating petition. Nominating petition forms are available for download and print on our website. View the number of signatures required on nominating petitions for all offices.

In 2024, the Louisiana Legislature passed Act 1 of the First Extraordinary Session of 2024 and Act 640 of the 2024 Regular Session, adopting a closed party primary system for a select number of offices. Any candidate who is not affiliated with the Democratic or Republican parties who chooses to run for U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Supreme Court Justice, Public Service Commissioner (PSC), and Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Member (BESE) in the general election must qualify via nominating petition at the same time that candidates qualify for the closed party primary election. View more information on closed party primary elections.

A candidate serving in the Armed Forces of the United States who is stationed or deployed outside of the United States is not required to pay any qualifying fee or any additional fee per Act 778 of 2012 Legislative Session. The candidate serving shall file with the qualifying official a military qualifying certification form prepared by the secretary of state certifying that at the time of qualifying they are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States and that they are eligible to become a candidate pursuant to United States Department of Defense Directive 1344.10.

Having an Agent Qualify a Candidate for Office

If you are not able to qualify in person or by mail, you may use an agent to file your completed qualifying form signed by you. In addition to filing your notice of candidacy, the agent shall file with the qualifying official an agent affidavit form attesting that the agent has your authorization and consent to file the notice of candidacy.

The agent affidavit form does not authorize the agent to fill out a Notice of Candidacy on behalf of the candidate; it only authorizes the agent to bring in a completed Notice of Candidacy that has already been signed by the candidate and notarized.

An agent who files a notice of candidacy without the authorization or consent of the candidate shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 30 days, or both.

A copy of the candidate's valid Louisiana driver's license or identification card, issued by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles, shall be provided by the agent to the qualifying official with the notice of candidacy. The agent shall also provide a valid Louisiana driver's license or identification card, issued by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles pursuant to La. R.S. 40:1321, to the qualifying official. (Effective Jan. 15, 2021)

Qualification Requirements

The qualifications to run for office vary by office. View the qualifications of specific offices. If qualifying for an office in Orleans Parish, view the qualifications of candidates for Orleans Parish only.

Candidates shall provide proof of identity in the form of a valid Louisiana driver's license or identification card issued by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles. (Effective Jan. 15, 2021)

Qualifying Forms and Fees

Download a copy of the qualifying fees.

Download the standard notice of candidacy form to qualify for congressional, state or local office.

Download a nominating petition for qualifying in lieu of qualifying fees for congressional, state or local office.

Download the presidential notice of candidacy form for candidates in the presidential preference primary.

Download a nominating petition for qualifying in lieu of qualifying fees for a presidential preference primary.

Download the recognized party filing information and forms for presidential elector for president and vice president.

Download the qualifying forms for candidates that are independent of a political party for presidential elector for president and vice president. 

Download a nominating petition for qualifying in lieu of qualifying fees for candidates that are independent of a political party for presidential elector for president and vice president.

On the standard notice of qualifying form used for congressional, state or local offices, a candidate certifies to the following:

  • Registered Voter: you are a qualified elector (registered voter) in the jurisdiction where you qualify to run for office;
  • Felony Conviction: for any office other than U.S. senator or representative, you are not currently under an order of imprisonment for conviction of a felony in accordance with La R.S. 18:451 and are not prohibited from qualifying as a candidate for the conviction of a felony pursuant to Article I, Section 10.1 of the Constitution of Louisiana;
  • Homestead Exemption: for any office other than U.S. senator or representative, that if you claim a homestead exemption or a residence pursuant to Article VII, Section 20 of the Constitution of Louisiana, you are registered and vote in the precinct in which that residence is located, unless you reside in a nursing home as defined in La. RS. 40:2009.2 or in a veterans' home operated by the state or federal government;
  • Taxes: if you are a candidate for any office other than U.S. senator or representative, you must have filed federal and state income tax returns for each of the previous five tax years, have filed for an extension of time for filing either your federal or state income tax return or both, or was not required to file either a federal or state income tax return or both;
  • Campaign Finance: you acknowledge that you are subject to the provisions of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act if you are a candidate for any office other than U.S. senator, representative or member of a committee of a political party and that you do not owe any outstanding fines, fees or penalties pursuant to the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act, if any were previously due;
  • Campaign Finance, Major or District Office: if you are a candidate for a major or district office as defined in La. R.S. 18:1483, you have filed each report that you are required to file by the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act, if any were previously due;
  • Ethics: you do not owe any outstanding fines, fees or penalties pursuant to the Code of Governmental Ethics; and
  • Election Offenses: you are knowledgeable of the laws governing election offenses as provided in Chapter 10 of Title 18 and the prohibitions relative to erecting, displaying or posting political campaign signs on any highway right-of-way, publicly owned property or right-of-way or to or on any public utility pole or stanchion as provided in La. R.S. 48:347(D), La R.S. 30:2544(A) and La R.S. 18:1470.

Your candidacy may be challenged if you are not qualified to run for the office and you may be criminally charged for executing an affidavit knowing it to contain false or incorrect information.

Candidates for Presidential Nominee for Presidential Preference Primary (PPP)

Candidates qualify at the Secretary of State's Office for presidential nominee of either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party for the PPP election. View the qualifying requirements and documents for additional information. For specific party rules and regulations, please contact your political party or visit their website.