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Financial disclosure reports filed by House, Senate and presidential campaigns, parties as … 1951 is cited as the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act and is governed by the Louisiana Ethics …
Date: 10/7/2019 Size: 102KB


43§1124.2.1.Financial disclosure; members of boards and commissions … 47§1124.3.Financial disclosure; certain elected officials, voting districts of under five …
Date: 8/29/2013 Size: 44KB

https://www.sos.la.gov/OurOffice/PublishedDocuments/CodeOfGovernmentalEthics2012TableOfContents.pdfView duplicates

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> Elections & Voting > Become a Candidate Print … If you are interested in becoming a candidate … Commission has copies of actual financial disclosure reports filed by House, Senate and …
Date: 8/11/2023 Size: 102KB


As amended through the 2018 Third Extraordinary Session … Secretary of State R. Kyle Ardoin … From the House of Representatives Database … The text of this book was provided by the House …
Date: 2/14/2019 Size: 1MB

https://www.sos.la.gov/OurOffice/PublishedDocuments/CodeOfGovernmentalEthics.pdfView duplicates

House of Representatives DatabaseCode of Governmental Ethics – 1November, 2013TITLE 42 … CODE OF GOVERNMENTAL ETHICSPART I. GENERAL PROVISIONS §1101 … Declaration of policy A. Whereas the …
Date: 12/5/2013 Size: 1MB

https://www.sos.la.gov/OurOffice/PublishedDocuments/CodeOfGovernmentalEthics2013.pdfView duplicates

Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes … As Amended Through the 2023 Regular Session … From the House of Representatives Database … The text of this book was provided by the House statutory …
Date: 1/23/2024 Size: 3MB


executive committee shall file a financial statement annually, certified by the treasurer or … committee shall file a copy of the financial statement with the state central committee of …
Date: 7/14/2015 Size: 1MB


FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, CONSUMER CREDIT, INVESTMENT SECURITIES AND UCC … Part XIX. Uniform Commercial Code Chapter 1. Secured Transactions §101. Policy A. In the state of Louisiana …
Date: 10/23/2014 Size: 146KB


As required by Public Law 107-252 … W. Fox McKeithen Suzanne Haik Terrell … Secretary of State Commissioner of Elections … Overview of the Louisiana Election System 4 …
Date: 4/2/2013 Size: 2MB
