Frequently Asked Questions
Remote notarization is when a signer personally appears before the notary at the time of the notarization using audio-visual technology over the internet instead of being physically present in the same room.
The signer will contact a notary or a Remote Online Notarization (RON) service provider. The signer’s document is usually in electronic format and is uploaded onto the RON platform. The signer’s identity is verified according to the requirements set forth in Louisiana Administrative Rules. The notary and the signer communicate using audio visual technology. Once the signer’s identity has been verified and all other requirements completed, the signer and the notary sign the documents electronically and the notary affixes an electronic seal. The RON platform creates an electronic journal entry and records the notarization using audio visual technology.
No additional bond is required at this time.
Yes. You can perform a remote notarization for someone who is in another country as long as you are located within the physical limits of your jurisdiction. For instance, if you do not have statewide jurisdiction, you can perform remote notarizations only when you are physically located in the parish of your commission or a parish that is reciprocal.
You cannot be commissioned as an electronic notary if you do not have a current notary commission. You must first become a traditional notary, then apply to become a remote notary.
No. You can perform a remote notarization only when you are within the physical limits of your jurisdiction. You must be physically located in a parish in which you are commissioned.
Upon receipt of your application, uploaded certificate (proof of completion of training/passing of quiz), and submission of the required fee, you will receive a letter. It is then the notary’s responsibility to contact a technology provider or providers. Please refer to our list of Remote Notarization Technology Providers.
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